Friday, January 4, 2008

Powell Update

Powell still keeps us smiling all the time. He absolutely adores his preschool teacher, Mrs. Lee, and has made a lot of new friends in the neighborhood. About the time he turned 4 in March 2007, he had completely taught himself to read. This is in no doubt due to the fact that he has good examples from his older sister and brother, and has always felt the need to keep up with them (he began walking at 9 months). Unfortunatley, Powell always seems to get the sickest and stay sick the longest of anyone in the family. He has had a couple of serious bouts of stomach flu and fever that have left him weak and tired. But he always bounces back with energy to spare. Powell has begun to take a liking to drawing, and is constantly asking for paper, scissors, crayons, and glue to create calendars, mosaics, etc.

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